Limitations of a Real woman


There are certain limitations of women and several of these obstacles are silent in force and work against the God-made destiny of some women. They include traditions and cultural perspectives; man-made ideas, and mental attitude towards women. Regardless of these limitations you can be free by allowing Christ Jesus the advocate and defender of all who are despised and rejected. He is your defender, the liberator of your soul and  your very present help in need.

God is interested in fighting for you as a woman, He may not speak to your accusers to stop tormenting you but He wants to speak to you. He wants to give you words of wisdom which is knowledge of what to do, that will set you free from these hindrances. You are created for exploits and heaven is set to release resources into your hands however are you ready?

Ready to step out in faith, ready to look beyond your personal needs, ready to climb above or walk through all challenges until God’s purpose be fulfilled. This is your week to make positive history by positively impacting the live of others around you. Go in this thy might!


In His Love

Nike Adeyemi


One thought on “Limitations of a Real woman

  1. tinu olabanji says:

    The christian experience for me has been an interesting journey. The prejudices didn’t disappear but I see them less, everyday, as I learn to listen and promptly obey the Lord. My roots are deep enough and I know I am a treasure, I am salt, and no prejudice can change that. PTL!


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